Elastic Search

How to Install Elasticsearch 5.2.0 and Kibana 5.2.0 on CentOS 7

Elasticsearch 5.2.0 recently released, is a search engine based on Lucene, providing a distributed full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface. While Kibana 5.2.0 is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster.

See release notes for Elasticsearch v5.2.0 and Kibana v5.2.0 for full details of release.

elasticsearch kibana

How to Install Elasticsearch 5.2.0 on CentOS 7, RHEL

  • Elasticsearch requires Java 8 or later, so lets install latest Java

How to install Java 8 latest update on CentOS

  • Download and install the Elasticsearch Public Signing Key
sudo rpm --import http://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch
  • Next create a file called “elasticsearch.repo” in “/etc/yum.repos.d/” directory
sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo
  • Then add the following config into the repository created above
name=Elasticsearch repository for 5.x packages
  • Now install Elasticsearch
sudo yum install elasticsearch
  • Next edit the configuration > locate “network.host:” and update to “network.host: localhost”
sudo vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
  • Start service and set it to auto run on boot up
/etc/init.d/elasticsearch status
sudo chkconfig --levels 235 elasticsearch on

Install Kibana 5.2.0 on CentOS 7, RHEL

  • Kibana also requires Java 8 or later, so I am assuming you had already done that when you installed Elasticsearch above

How to install Java 8 latest update on CentOS

  • Download and install the Public Signing  Key (Already done from above)
sudo rpm --import https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch
  • Next create a file called “kibana.repo” in “/etc/yum.repos.d/” directory
sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/kibana.repo
  • Then add the following config into the repository created above
name=Kibana repository for 5.x packages
  • Now install kibana
sudo yum install kibana
  • Confirm you can Stop and Start Kibana
sudo -i service kibana stop
sudo -i service kibana start
  • Check if you are running Systemd or SysV init
ps -p 1
  • Configure Kibana to start automatically when system reboots.

—– For SysV init —–

sudo chkconfig --add kibana

sudo -i service kibana stop
sudo -i service kibana start

—– For systemd —–

sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service

sudo systemctl stop kibana.service
sudo systemctl start kibana.service
  • Now all you need to do is access your kibana page with following URL:

You can install nginx and configure it to act as a proxy server. This would enable you access kibana via port 80

About the author



A passionate Linux user for personal and professional reasons, always exploring what is new in the world of Linux and sharing with my readers.

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